Volunteer Coordinator

An excellent role for

Young professional or college or high school student who wants to sharpen their communication and leadership skills by working in a human resources department and leading the volunteer recruitment process for a nonprofit organization. Anyone with a passion for serving their community, who shares our belief that math is for everyone, and wants to support YDM’s mission to make engaging math learning opportunities accessible to all students as well as empower young people both academically and economically

Time Commitment

3 hours per week (virtual format), with a flexible schedule


Well organized. Naturally communicative and collaborative. Skilled in verbal communication in the English language (whether native or second language). Willingness to learn or already skilled in using Microsoft Teams or other volunteer recruitment platforms. 

Role Expectation /Duties

  • Lead the initial processing and responses to new volunteer applications, along with initial interviews and general onboarding, in collaboration with members of other YDM teams when needed. Then, hand-off the role-specific onboarding to other YDM teams.
  • Lead YDM’s volunteer recruitment efforts for all YDM’s teams, collaborating to establish recruitment strategies for particular roles in various YDM team
  • Carry out and improve policies & procedures for new volunteer vetting (focused on safety and compliance), while collaborating with other YDM teams to assess the qualifications and competencies of new volunteers.
  • Despite the flexible schedule, volunteers in this role must be in control of their own schedule, able to communicate their availability dependably, and collaborate transparently using Microsoft Teams.

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