Compliance and Legal Director

An excellent role for

An experienced professional knowledgeable in legal considerations for small and growing nonprofit organizations. Someone with a passion for serving their community, who shares our belief that math is for everyone, and who wants to help YDM empower young people both academically and economically and make engaging math learning opportunities accessible to all students. 

Time Commitment

1 to 2 hours per week on average (virtual format), for at least 12 months. 


Knowledgeable in general business law. Organized. Communicative and collaborative. Skilled in written communication in the English language (whether native or second language). Multilingual candidates are highly desired! Familiar with Microsoft Office software. Willingness to learn or already skilled in using Microsoft Teams. Willing to help YDM foster connections with more community members.  

Role Expectation /Duties

  • Work with YDM’s President and Governance Committee Chairperson to define the scope and the boundary conditions for your service to the Organization, such that we ensure all arrangements uphold all proper ethical principles and avoid any potential conflicts of interest.  
  • Quickly learn the Organization’s purpose, strategy, and major goals. Serve as a member of YDM’s Governance Committee, and on the Leadership Team. As with all YDM volunteers, you will be eligible to seek election to a Director role, if you desire, after 6 months of collaboration with YDM.  
  • Guide YDM to ask & explore the right questions to identify, interpret, and demonstrate ongoing compliance with all regulations pertaining to nonprofit organizations of its type.  
  • Assist YDM to evaluate potential legal risks and liabilities which could arise as we expand our activities to include not only virtual but also in-person programs, and as we grow from an entirely volunteer organization toward a near-term future including part-time youth employees. Assist us to identify and select appropriate policies & safeguards to manage risks and to ensure all clients & teammates & partners continue to have a positive experience with YDM.  
  • Guide YDM to select appropriate legal service providers and insurance policies, as and when appropriate. Help facilitate effective collaboration among YDM’s volunteers and external legal consultants or service providers. 
  • Help connect You Discover Math with more members of our communities.  

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