Partnership Development Coordinator

An excellent role for

a retired teacher or school administrator, parent-teacher association organizer, or any adult with strong, diverse connections to the local education community. 

Time Commitment

3 hours per week (virtual format), with a flexible schedule

Role Expectation /Duties

  • Learns the format of YDM’s current programs and ideas in the works for future programs. Helps identify local organizations whose objectives share a strategic fit with YDM’s objectives. Makes virtual or physical “field trips” to area organizations (such as schools, boys and girls clubs, etc.) to help us deliver YDM’s outreach messaging. Encourages local organizations to distribute flyers or other invitations for community members to take YDM’s calls-to-action, especially opportunities for young people to become YDM teammates, or students, or both—and develop their professional skills along with their math mastery & leadership at the same time. Helps coordinate the people to work together with the Student Employment Design Leaders to co-create locally-focused programs led by local youth and supported by YDM centrally. 

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